10 Tips for Making Your Child’s First Dental Visit a Success

Your Top Pediatric Dentist

Going to the dentist for the first time can feel intimidating. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 10 tips to make your child more relaxed and excited about the dentist! These tips will help lower the stress of doing something new and unfamiliar and increase the possibility of a fun visit. Ultimately, we want to ensure you and your child feel comfortable and confident about what’s ahead. We serve the Southeastern, Idaho, and Southwestern Wyoming areas. You can expect to get the same great service at each of our offices located in Rexburg, Idaho Falls, and Jackson, Wyoming.

  1. Start Early: It’s never too early to invest in your child’s future. That’s why the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that children see a dentist by their first birthday or as soon as their first tooth erupts. The sooner you begin, the more comfortable your child will become with the 6-month routine.
  2. Role Play: Play “dentist” with your child at home. Find some fun toys and equipment resembling dentistry, and watch them weave a creative, colorful storyline. Whether as a dentist or patient, your children will surely surprise you! 
  3. Make it Fun: Bring your child’s favorite toy or blanket to the appointment to help them feel more comfortable. Have a fun attitude toward the appointment too. Children are very perceptive of their parent’s feelings.
  4. Positive Language: Use positive language when discussing your child’s upcoming appointment. Avoid words that could have a negative connotation, such as: “shot,” “pain,” or “hurt.” Speaking in fun, exciting, and non-threatening language will spark curiosity rather than fear.
  5. Get Familiar: From our website, Facebook, and Instagram, you can access pictures of our staff and of our physical locations. Becoming familiar with and knowing what to expect is half the battle in conquering the fears of a new experience.
  6. Explain the Dental Process: Explain to your child what will happen during the appointment in a way they can understand. Keep it fun, simple, and to the point. Refer to our other blog posts and website for an overview of what can be expected on the first visit.
  7. Modeling: The best way to encourage your child to practice good oral hygiene is to practice it yourself! After all, children learn fastest by observing the world around them.
  8. Ask Questions: Don’t be afraid to ask us any questions you may have about what to expect or about your child’s dental health. We encourage your child to ask questions too! 
  9. Choose a Pediatric Dentist: Dr. Jackson is a board-certified specialist in children’s dentistry. With over ten years of experience dedicated specifically to children, he knows the ins and outs of not only children’s dental health but of the physical, social, and developmental needs of infants through teens. From quick check-ups to complicated treatment, his knowledge, skills, and talents will be used to give your child the best care possible.
  10. Celebrate: Celebrate with your child after their first appointment (and those following too)! We all need dental care for life, and helping your child recognize their success will give them the confidence to take an active role in their oral health.

Pediatric Dental Exams at Clubhouse Pediatric Dentistry

At Clubhouse Pediatric Dentistry, we understand that a child’s first dental visit can overwhelm parents and children. That’s why we strive to create a fun and comfortable environment for you and your child. With these tips, your child’s first dental visit is off to a great start, and they’ll be on their way to a lifetime of healthy teeth and happy smiles!

Schedule an appointment with us today! We look forward to serving you.